From The Heart Of Africa
Fr. Phillip Gatari recently visited Moscow. He was a
guest of Sretensky Monastery for two days, and celebrated
the Liturgy with the brothers and other visiting monks
from Mt. Athos. After the services, this joyful pastor
told us about Orthodoxy in Kenya and his work as the
principal of a rural school.

Fr. Phillip Gatari. Divine Liturgy in Sretensky Monastery. |
Orthodox Life in Antarctica

Orthodoxy in Pakistan (Fr. Adrian Augustus)
Orthodox Pakistan — Serving the Orthodox Church in Pakistan (Fr. John Tanveer - & εδώ)

Orthodoxy in Nicaragua
Orthodox Christians in Ireland Double in Five Years
Prayer Book and Psalter in Thai and Laotian

St. Vladimir’s Seminary Missions Day: Orthodoxy in Guatemala (και ελληνικά μια γεύση από την Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία στη Γουατεμάλα)

Some of the Guatemalan clergy, from left to right: Fr. Mihail, Fr. Evangelos, Fr. Andrés Girón, Fr. José, and Fr. Danil
Archbishop Amfilochios on Being a Missionary and on the Orthodox Church in Fiji
Fr. Themi on Faith and Works
New Blog by Fr. Themi (Sierra Leone) (δες και ελληνικά εδώ)

Orthodoxy in Rural Alaska

Interview: A Special Missionary Effort in Oklahoma
Monasticism in South Africa — A Fragile Plant

Br Justin, Tim Sparks, Fr Seraphim
Ancient Faith Radio: Orphans in Russia, Guatemala, and India

Children from Hogar Rafael
Ancient Faith Radio: Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry 2011 Convocation

Liturgy for the Deaf
OCMC’s SAMP Spotlights
OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Centre).

This month’s priest is Fr. Christos Sarkar (pictured with his family). Fr. Christos serves in India, at St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Arambagh Hooghly. [...]
The Way: A New Introductory Course to Orthodox Christianity
Met. Ambrose of Korea Speaking to Protestants on Missions and Liturgy

Taiwanese Orthodox Missionary’s Letter to the Greek People
A letter from the first Taiwanese Orthodox missionary Pelagia Yu to the Greek people. The orthodox site in Taiwan here! [Ελληνικά για το θέμα εδώ & εδώ]

From Ghana: Christ is Risen!
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