Tone 2
Ode I
Irmos: In the deep of old the infinite power overwhelmed pharohs
whole army. But the incarnate word annihilated pernicious sin.
Exceedingly glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He been glorified.
O saints of Africa, watch over us in thy loving kindness. O Paisius,
Pachomius, Anthony, Macarius and Onuphrius, kindle in our hearts the
love of Christ crucified.
O saints of Africa, prepare our hearts for the entrance of the Lord. O
Thais, Theodora, Mary of Egypt, Catherine, Isidora and Perpetua, your
souls magnify the Lord, the only lover of mankind.
O saints of Africa, show us the ravines of humility and the pinnacles of
virtue. O Patapius, George, Moses, Isidore, Pambo, Menas, Cyprian,
Athanasius, Sisoes and Maurice, help us to perceive God's will and have
the courage to pursue it. O Consubstantial Trinity in God glorified, all
saints of earth adore thee.
By the dread mystery of the incarnation of Christ, you gave birth O Virgin, to God the Word, whose voice is mightier than the noise of many
Irmos: By establishing me on the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my
mouth over my enemies, and my spirit rejoiceth when I sing, there is
none holy as our God, and none righteous beside thee, O Lord.
When it was revealed that the Lord Jesus Christ would come to church one
day, your disciples ran ahead, bypassing a sickly—appearing pilgrim.
Emulating the Good Samaritan, O Paisius, you stopped to assist him to
the church. Looking down, you saw His nail-pierced feet, realizing that
the monks had missed Christ in trying to get to see Him.
As Saint Anthony is the father of monasticism, you, O Pachomius, are the
father of coenobitic monasticism, where those who have dedicated their
lives to Christ live in small communities.
The audacity of demons did not deter you, O Anthony, from your unceasing
prayer to God. After receiving instruction from Saint Paul of Thebes,
you became strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. O
magnificent Holy Trinity, one in essence and undivided, cast out our
fears by Your perfect love.
Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, True Mother of God, when you speak, the
mountains skip like rams and the hills like flocks of lambs. Nurture us
with the grace of the Son of God. Lead us to the pasture where we may
feed on the grass of the holy mysteries of Christ.
Sedation, Tone 4
Grace flowing wider than the Nile, enriched your souls with heavenly
gifts, saints of Africa, as you stand before the throne of Christ, do
not forget us, pray to Christ God, that He may save our souls.
few of the Saints: ( l – r from lthe bottom) Sophia, Fulvainus-Matthew,
Anthony, Elesbaan, Moses the Ethiopian, Cyprian, Djan-Darada, Maurice,
Athanasius, and Mary of Egypt. (thanks to Bro. John Norman, the
Brotherhood of St. Moses the Black Detroit Chapter, and St Innocent
Orthodox Church in Redford MI). Icon from here.
Ode IV
Irmos: From a Virgin didst Thou come, not as an ambassador nor as an
angel, but the very Lord Himself incarnate, and didst save me the whole
man; wherefore I cry to thee Glory to Thy power, O Lord.
Teaching virtue to a pilgrim, holy Macarius, you instructed him to both
flatter and insult the dead in their graves. They responded neither to
praise nor affront; thus from them did the pilgrim learn dispassion.
Buried by Saint Paphnutius, O Onuphrius, you were fed by angels while
imitating the life of Saint John the Baptist. Emulating the obedience of
the Apostle Matthew and being instructed in discourse by the holy
Paphnutius, O Thais, you quickly climbed the ladder of divine ascent,
through a deep repentance. To the Holy Trinity, you cried out, "Thou who
created me, have mercy on me."
O Queen of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ did not forget the humility of
his handmaid. The Archangel Gabriel brought you tidings of great joy.
Those who love Him in spirit and in truth shall be blessed.
Ode V
Irmos: Thou who art the light of those lying in darkness, and the
salvation of the despairing, O Christ my Saviour, I rise early to pray
to Thee, O King of peace. Enlighten me with thy radiance, for I know no
other God beside Thee.
Abandoning the world of passion, O Theodora, you entered paradise
through the narrow door of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. You
discovered that fasting without works of repentance is like sewing with
a needle that has no thread.
O tare turned to wheat by the blood of Christ, Saint Mary of Egypt, our
righteous mother, bestow on us the willingness to apply the balm of
confession. By the sign of the Cross, help us to trust only in God.
Not only did you astonish the scholars but you also brought them to the
true faith, O Catherine. May we too be wedded to Christ by the ring of
His eternal and ineffable love. O holy all-seeing Trinity, to You be
glory and majesty, dominion and power.
O Harbor in the midst of the storm, rescue our drowning souls by the
cross of your Son, O Mary, full of grace, lead us to the arms of Christ.
Ode VI
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I appeal to the
unfathomable abyss of thy compassion, from corruption raise me up, O
When the Lord chastened Saint Pitirim for 'traveling in the cities'
mentally while living as a solitary, he was instructed to seek you, O
Isidora, fool for Christ. The nuns, seeing only foolishness, did not
discern your unceasing prayer to Christ God whom you loved with your
heart, soul, mind and strength. Focusing on the rags upon your head,
they missed your resplendent crown of love.
By purity of heart, you received the crown of martyrdom, O Perpetua.
With equanimity under duress, you showed how to suffer persecution for
righteousness' sake. By forcing yourself to endure affliction for a
little while, you gained the eternal heavenly kingdom.
Though finding solitude as a hermit, O Patapius, you followed God's
command to journey to the city. Yet even as a city upon a hill cannot be
hid, so your prayerful life inspired many to follow after Christ. As
Fashioner of mankind, You, O Lord, can cleanse us by our partaking of
Your precious body and life-giving blood.
O Lady, the Holy Spirit descended upon your womb which then became more
spacious than the heavens, containing the Uncontainable One.
Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped in the plain of Dura, thy
three children despised the godless order, thrown into the fire they
were bedewed and sang: blessed art Thou, O God of our fathers.
Like Paul the Simple, O new martyr George of Damascus, you discerned the
deception of heresy. O Lord, lift up Your countenance also upon us, so
that we too may wear a simple garment of light, woven with the gifts of
the Holy Spirit. O marvel of saints, Abba Moses of Ethiopia, you could
swim across the Nile with a sword in your mouth, but you could not
terrify Christ's humble servant, who feared only God. Pierced by the
hopelessness of of lawless life, and frightened by the vision of the
lake of fire, you came to Christ, taking the kingdom of God by force.
Cease not to feed us on the sweet honeycomb of God's word.
In showing gratitude toward God for all things, O Isidore, you became a
wellspring of wisdom. In obedience, you were like Saint John the Dwarf.
In poverty of spirit, you were like Saint Poemen. In showing mercy, you
were like Saint John the Almsgiver. In looking beyond faults and seeing
needs, you were like Saint Serapion. O Trinity triumphant, before Whom
all things visible and invisible bow down, save us.
Rejoice, thou Bride Unwedded, for the Holy One has done great things to
you. His mercy never fails and His compassion never falters. Holy
Mother of God, lead us to the gates of repentance, helping us to forgive
everyone for everything.

Irmos: O ye works, praise the Lord God, who descended into the fiery
furnace with the Hebrew children and changed the flame into dew, and
supremely exalted Him unto all ages.
As a disciple of St. Anthony, O Pambo, you learned to mortify the
appetite, repent unceasingly, never to trust yourself, keep sober watch
over thoughts, and avoid the pitfalls of idleness through work.
Like the Archangel Michael, you bravely fought the good fight, O Menas.
You gladly exchanged the corruptible armor of the emperor for the
breastplate of righteousness By obediently suffering for Christ's sake,
you obtained the Lord's peace and favor. Proclaiming that one does not
have God as his Father, if he does not have the church as his mother, O
Cyprian of Carthage, you edified the Church. Holy, holy, holy are You, O
God. May the precious ointment of your word invigorate our souls.
O Joy of All Who Sorrow, sanctify us by your intercession before your
Son and our Saviour. For He who sat upon your arm is strong and mighty,
True God of True God.
Ode IX
Irmos: God the Word, who came forth from God, and who by ineffable
wisdom came to renew Adam after his grievous fall to corruption through
eating, and who ineffably took flesh from the Holy Virgin for our sake,
Him do we the faithful with one accord magnify with hymns.
O Athanasius, you brought many to the church, though banished many times
by godless rulers. As the Apostle Mark brought the Gospel to Egypt, so
you evangelized through writing. As a deacon, you helped formulate the
Nicene Creed, understanding Christ to be fully human and fully divine.
You defended Orthodoxy, against the heresies of Arius, who did not know
Jesus, the Only-begotten Son of God.
Instructed by Saint Anthony, O Sisoes, your life shows that it is better to conquer the passions than to conquer the world.
Neither daunted by death in battle in the Alpine mountains, nor swayed
from the faith by flattery, O Maurice, you led the Egyptian legion to
Christ with joy. The Trinity in Unity, with love for mankind, causes all
souls to rise to the blessed kingdom.
True Theotokos, in you the heavens bowed to touch the earth. O Virgin
Undefiled, O bush unburned, your meekness allowed the condescension of
the Son of God, through incarnation by the Holy Spirit. Thus have we
been allowed to reach the Unreachable One.