Ορθόδοξη Ιεραποστολή - Orthodox Mission - Mission Οrthodoxe – Misión Ortodoxa – Missão Ortodoxa – Missione Ortodossa – православная миссия - Misiunea Ortodoxă - 东正教使命 – रूढ़िवादी मिशन

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Trelawney – Do you have a spot in your soul for everything Caribbean? Be part of this historic Team to the island of Jamaica and share the beauty of Orthodoxy with individuals interested in our ancient faith. Team will be led by Fr. Anthony Salzman.
2018 Jamaica Youth Work Team
Traveling From: 8/2/2018 to 8/11/2018; Team Cost: $1425*
This historic 2018 Jamaica Mission Team will offer a Vacation Church School to the youth and spend their evening with adults who are seeking more information and a deeper understanding of the Orthodox Faith. Team Members should be able to offer basic explanations on different topics of our faith during relaxed fellowship time. Iconography workshops have also been requested.
English is the official language of Jamaica but Jamaican Creole is widely spoken. Creole’s vocabulary and grammar are based in English, but dialects, vocabulary and phrasing derive from West African, Spanish, and, to a lesser degree, French. The grammatical structure, lyrical cadences, intonations, and pronunciations of Creole make it a distinct language.
Freedom of worship is guaranteed by the Jamaica’s constitution. Current research states that Latin America is undergoing rapid religious changes, citing that oppressive foreign nations brought Christianity and slavery. ‘Nonreligious’ and ‘other’ constitute approximately 50% of the population. Protestantism is the largest among the Christian Churches and Hindu, Islam, Buddhism, Rastafarian and Jewish faiths also exist in small numbers. Rastafarianism has been an important religious and cultural movement in Jamaica since the 1930s. Some say it began as a reaction against the British colonial culture, influenced by the Ethiopian Orthodox and Western African religions. In the 1960s and 1970s it gained respectability through musicians like Bob Marley. Enthusiasm for Rastafari declined in the 1980s, following the deaths of Haile Selassie and Bob Marley.
The Holy Metropolis of Mexico was established two decades ago to serve parishes in Mexico, Panama and Venezuela. However, the Metropolis is bringing Orthodoxy to the multitude of indigenous Latin Americans seeking the spiritual comfort and the redemptive message of the Christian East. His Eminence Metropolitan Archbishop Athenagoras of Mexico is the ruling hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico, under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch. Born in Chicago, he studied at Hellenic College/Holy Cross Seminary, the Theological School of the University of Athens and the University of Michigan. He served as Chancellor of the Diocese of Chicago, helped establish a new Archdiocese of Hong Kong and in 1996, was elected to the newly established Metropolitan Archdiocese of Central America and the Caribbean which includes Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, all the Countries of Central America (Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador) and the Islands of the Caribbean.
Sunday School Teachers, iconographers and those versed in the faith are asked to consider participating on this Team.
Dates: August 2 – 11, 2018
Cost: $1,425 + airfare
Travel – Team Members must fly on the international travel itinerary OCMC will provide to and from the project destination. Team Members are responsible for all air travel: one-way domestic flight to Jacksonville, FL (JAX) Thursday Aug 2 (by 4 pm for orientation in St. Augustine, FL) and an international segment from JAX to Jamaica on Saturday August 4, returning home on Saturday, August 11. Airfares are not included in cost.
Fund raising – Each Team Member is responsible for the participant cost and airfares associated with this Team. Team Members are encouraged to invite others to participate in this effort through prayer and tax-deductible donations. Participant cost includes room and board, local transportation, orientation costs, ministry expenses, excursion and materials.
OCMC partially subsidizes each Team Member’s cost to keep it at the price posted and relies on donations from individuals and churches for these costs. If you are interested in assisting with these expenses, please contact the OCMC for more information. If you would like to contribute to this project, which is also supported by the OCMC, we are grateful for your support. This is optional and for that reason it is not included in the participant cost.
See also
The ancient Christian Church - About Orthodox Church in the West World...
Latin America: Peoples in Search of Orthodoxy
Native American Pathways to Orthodoxy
Orthodox Saints and the Future of America
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